Someone once said: "Don't let someone else catch your dreams. You be the dream catcher."
With this thought in mind, we created this gorgeous baby rag quilt and crib bedding. It will forever be the perfect reminder to your precious little girl, that she can dream big and achieve those dreams.
The blanket also symbolizes that you will be there for her, to wrap her in warmth and joy. You will be her support, and be there to love her while she achieves those dreams.
We have combined the dreamcatchers with Stag appliques (a buck ;) The stag is the king of the forest, the protector of all other creatures. For the native tribes of North America, the deer was a messenger, an animal of power, and a totem representing sensitivity, intuition and gentleness.
The power that this blanket will remind her of is that she can catch her dreams and be like the deer and have power, be sensitive, intuitive, and gentle all at the same time.
With this ability (and the beautiful quilt to wrap herself in) she will be able to conquer and move mountains.